E94 George Close Candy Co. (Issued 1911)

What this set lacks in color it more then makes up for with new player poses and a "classicl" over "colorful" style. The producers name is not listed on the backs of these cards. George Close Candy Co. is advertised only on the cards with additional ink stamps on the back. These stamped cards are very rare.

You can find these cards with one of six background colors - Red, Violet, Olive, Green, Blue and Gold. It is assumed that all players can be found with all 6 different color backgrounds. Below is a chart of the E94 cards totaled from a small number of collectors. If you would like to add your collection to the list please e-mail me what you have.

Color background population from the collections
of long time vintage E94 collectors.

Granted, it's not scientific but you have to start somewhere.

E94s are found on a very nice card stock that is heavier and of better quality than other sets. The top layer is also coated to give the surface a brighter appearance.

There is an extremely rare set called M131 Baltimore News Newsboy series that uses the exact same checklist as E94. You can tell the difference by the headings on the backs of the cards. M131s have, so far, M131s have only been found with blue backgrounds.

The checklist:

Austin, N.Y. Amer. "Hugh" Jennings, Detroit, Amer.
Bates, Phila. Nat'l Kleinow, NY Amer.
Bescher, Cincinnati Nat'l Lajoie, Cleveland, Amer.
Byrne, Cincinnati Nat'l "Joe" Lake, St. Louis, Nat'l
Chance, Chicago, Nat'l Leach, Pittsburgh
Cicotte, Boston, Amer. Lobert, Phila. Amer.
"Ty" Cobb, Detroit, Amer. Lord, Chicago, Amer.
Crawford, Detroit, Amer. Magee, Phila. Nat'l
"Harry" Davis, Phila. Amer. McGraw, New York, Nat'l
Devlin, New York, Nat'l Moore, Phila. Nat'l
Devore, New York, Nat'l Murray, New York, Nat'l
Doolan, Phila. Nat'l Speaker, Boston, Amer.
Dougherty, NY Amer. Turner, Cleveland, Amer.
Evers, Chicago, Nat'l "Hans" Wagner, Pittsburgh, Nat'l
Grant, Cincinnati Nat'l "Old" Cy Young, Cleveland, Amer.



The back of a typical E94 card.
Print on the back of E94 cards is gray.

Properly sized cards are
1.5" wide X 2.75" high.





E94 Over Prints
There are now 10 different known types of overprints.

Your Out!
If you don't eat...

Leon Luckey collection.

Your Safe!
If You Eat Close's...

Leon Luckey collection.

Your Safe!
Have a Cuckoo!

Leon Luckey collection.

Could there be a "Home Run!" with a "Have a Cuckoo!" sub line.
Close's Oppie Dildock
The Best of Candy Suckers

Leon Luckey collection.

Oppie Dildock?
During that era there was a cartoon strip called "Opie Dildock's Stories."
The cartoons tell wild tales of Oppie's relatives and their adventures
while hunting, fishing, etc. Considering the theme of the cartoon, it isn' surprising this back advertised "suckers."

Bloomes Chocolates
Most common overprint but all are so rare it is hard to grade them.

John Wojak collection.

Three Strikes!
Get a Lemom

Leon Luckey collection.

( I need a collector to sand me an image)
Close's Candies are Pennant Winners.

A Base Hit!
Close's Sponge Cake.

Home Run!
For Close's Butter Balls

Leon Luckey collection.

Found at the 2002 National show in Chicago.
Oh You Fan!
Eat Close's Candies

Leon Luckey collection.


M131 Baltimore News Newsboys
This very rare set uses E94 poses but has a slightly different back. It is assumed that all of the poses from E94 can be found with this back. To date only cards with blue colored backgrounds on the front have been seen.
This is what the back of a M131 Baltimore News Newsboy Series card looks like.


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